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Are you looking for a good dentist in the Stockbridge, Georgia area? If you need quality dental care in the south Atlanta metro but aren’t sure how to vet the many options that are available, read on for our top ten tips on choosing a great dentist for all your dental needs.

1.Read Reviews

The internet is a great place to find information on pretty much anything, including local dentists. A quick Google search for dentists in Stockbridge will bring up many dental practices in the area, along with contact information and reviews from current and former patients. Always read through a dentist’s reviews, both good and bad, to help narrow down your options. The practices with hundreds of 4 and 5 star reviews are a great place to start your list.

2.Ask Friends & Family

Friends and family who live near you are another great source of information about local dentists. Almost everyone visits the dentist at least occasionally, and many people are very dedicated and loyal to their dentists, so there will be no shortage of opinions and advice.

3.Ask Social Media

Social media presents a convenient way to gather information about local dentists from lots of people who live in the area, giving you unique insights and stories that you wouldn’t otherwise get to hear. Join some groups that focus on the Stockbridge area (FB groups and Nextdoor are great local options) and make a post asking for recommendations. Within just a few days (or maybe just a few hours) you’ll have dozens of responses from helpful neighbors with recommendations and maybe a few places to steer clear of.

4.Check Distance & Hours

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential dentists, it’s time to see which ones are within a reasonable travel distance from you and are open when you are available for appointments. Google will once again be quite helpful here, as you can easily see locations, travel times from your home or work and open hours right from their Google Maps listing. Decide how far you’re willing to travel for the right dentist, then eliminate any options on your list that are further out than the time/distance you chose.

5.Review the List of Services

Now that you’ve narrowed down your list based on reviews and location, the next step is to make sure each office offers the services you need. Some dentists specialize in only children or only adults, or may focus on a specific area of dentistry such as orthodontics or endodontics. Check out each practice’s website for a list of their services, and knock the ones who don’t offer what you need off your list.

6.Verify Qualifications & Experience

The next step in finding a great dentist in the Stockbridge area is to check into each dentist’s qualifications and experience. You can usually do this at the same time as reviewing their list of services, as many dentists offer a short biography on their websites in the “About” page or section. This bio often lists all professional credentials and associations the dentist has, along with a history of their dental education. Double check their claims and verify their professional memberships using sites like the American Dental Association Find-a-Dentist. There are also many associations for dental specialties with their own websites and directories that you can search to verify a dentist’s claimed qualifications.

7.Ask About Emergency Care

Dental emergencies happen to everyone at some point, so it’s important to know how a dental practice you are considering will handle emergencies, especially during nights or weekends. Ask about their emergency practices and take note of any special emergency numbers you may need to call during off hours. If the practice doesn’t have a plan in place for emergency situations, you may want to consider a different place.

8.Meet & Greet

Now that you have a list of dentists who check off all the boxes above, it’s time to schedule some quick consultations to simply meet the potential provider. This doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out meeting, but instead a short meet and greet just to make sure you and the dentist “click”. Be clear when calling that you just want to meet the provider and get a feel for the office and atmosphere.

9.Trust Your Gut

The final step in choosing a good dentist in the Stockbridge area is to trust your gut. Sometimes a dentist looks great on paper, but something just doesn’t feel right about them to you. Trust yourself and opt for a dentist that meets all your requirements and fits with your personality.

Frequently Asked Questions About Finding a Good Dentist in Georgia

How can I make sure a dentist I’m considering is properly licensed?

The Georgia Board of Dentistry website offers an online tool to verify a dentist’s license status in the state of Georgia - check it out here.

What are the best sites to view reviews of Georgia dentists?

While there are several sites out there that claim to list the best dentists in Georgia, these are often paid advertisements by the dentists featured or based on flimsy, biased criteria. To find reviews from actual patients, we suggest viewing the reviews listed on Google, Facebook, and Yelp.

Add Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge to Your Short List

Want to skip the detective work and go straight for one of Stockbridge’s most experienced and professional dental practices? Then go ahead and add Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge to your short list. With a 4.9 overall star rating on Google, highly qualified dentists and an amazing team of dental staff, a full range of dental services, and the ability to book an appointment online, Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge is a great choice for adults and children who need quality, reliable dental care.

Believe it or not, there’s a right way to brush your teeth. The proper technique can mean all the difference to your oral health, playing a role not only in the immediate cleanliness of your mouth but also the long-term condition of your teeth and gums.


The good news is that it’s never too late to learn the right technique, a method that’s advised by the American Dental Association (ADA). Here’s why it’s so important to learn how to brush properly and what you need to do to clean your teeth the right way. 

Why Brushing Teeth Properly Is Important

Brushing is the key to a clean and healthy mouth — but following ADA guidelines is essential to really reaping the full benefits of this vital daily habit. The proper technique ensures that you don’t miss a spot and that your teeth are cleaned as thoroughly as possible, covering the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces completely.


Not only is brushing the most effective way to remove food debris and prevent plaque buildup on your teeth that could otherwise lead to cavity formation, but it also stimulates your gums. Improved blood circulation to the gums supports a healthier environment and a reduced chance of developing gum disease.


You can also prevent tartar buildup by brushing properly. This is a form of hard, stubborn plaque that is difficult to remove, which is why it’s so critical to schedule regular visits every six months with your dentist. These cleanings ensure that tartar doesn’t have a chance to accumulate and cause issues like gingivitis, halitosis, and yellowing of the teeth. 

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly

How can you tell if you’re brushing your teeth the right way? There are a few factors that contribute to effective brushing that’s considered “right” as recommended by the ADA. Here’s what you should do.


  1. Hold Your Brush at the Right Angle

Gripping your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle is the most effective way to ensure that you clean the entirety of your teeth. The brush should contact the point where your teeth and gums meet. 

  1. Apply Pressure, But Be Gentle

While you do want to press firmly on your teeth with the brush, you don’t want to be vigorous when cleaning. Use a “rocking” motion to take your brush over all of your teeth. Create small circles as you go, as this allows you to more effectively clean crevices in the teeth and spaces between the teeth. This motion also supports more efficient plaque removal.

  1. Brush Every Part of Every Tooth

Be deliberate about how you brush your teeth instead of casually gliding the brush over them. Make sure to clean the front, the back, and the chewing surface of every tooth, remembering to maintain the gentle pressure and circular motions as you go. Finish by brushing your tongue thoroughly to prevent bacterial buildup and maintain fresh breath.

  1. Make Sure to Brush for Two Minutes

Two is the magic number where brushing your teeth is concerned. You can use a timer if you want, or you may want to invest in a toothbrush that buzzes every 30 seconds. Think of this as an alert to switch from one quadrant of your teeth to the next. This is also a great way to ensure that you’ve brushed all teeth. 

  1. Brush at Least Twice a Day

The ADA guidelines also state that you should brush your teeth twice a day, each time abiding by the two-minute suggestion. Twice is the bare minimum, so you should aim to do so every morning and at night before you go to bed. Some people prefer to brush after each meal. 

Other General Toothbrushing Guidelines

Following the ADA’s guidelines is a great way to protect your teeth, but there are other pointers you should also keep in mind to really go the extra mile for your oral health.


  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent damage to tooth enamel and protect your gums
  • Use an ADA-approved toothpaste formulated with fluoride to reduce the chances of decay by strengthening tooth enamel and minimizing acid production
  • Alternatively, if you are opposed to fluoride using a Hydroxyapatite based toothpaste is recommended. 
  • Floss twice daily to remove any food that remains lodged between your teeth and at the gumline
  • Run your toothbrush under cold water after brushing and allow it to dry thoroughly to prevent bacterial buildup

Dental Care at Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge

Brushing your teeth properly is an excellent first step on the path to healthier teeth and gums, but it’s equally important to visit the dentist regularly. Trust in the team at Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge to make a difference in your oral health, offering extensive services ranging from general exams to restorative procedures to teeth whitening. Visit our website for more information, or call us at 770-389-0389 to schedule an appointment.

Flossing plays a vital role in your dental hygiene routine as it effectively eliminates plaque from the spaces between your teeth and along the gum line. Since tooth decay and gum disease often originate in these areas, flossing is crucial to good oral health.

Plaque harbors bacteria that thrive on leftover food particles and sugars in your mouth. The harmful bacteria release acids that erode the outer layer of your teeth, leading to cavities and potential gum issues.

Here at Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge, we emphasize the significance of proper dental care education. We recommend a routine of brushing and flossing twice a day. Check out our helpful flossing guide below.

Choosing the Best Floss

The most effective flossing begins with choosing the best floss for your needs and preferences. There are many options:

  • Thread floss—made from approximately 35 strands of nylon twisted together
  • Waxed and unwaxed floss—waxed floss is recommended for individuals with little space in between their teeth as it glides between the teeth better
  • Flavored and unflavored floss– floss can be found in various flavors including mint and cinnamon
  • Tape floss is also known as dental tape—better for widely spaced teeth, and it won't fray
  • Super flosses—ideal for patients with braces, bridges, or other appliances

What to Watch for When Flossing

No matter what type of floss you use, check with your dentist if you notice any of these symptoms during or after flossing:

  • Painful, swollen,bleeding, or red gums
  • Gum or tooth sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Discharge or pus around the gums or teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Changes in the alignment of your top teeth and bottom teeth
  • Evidence that your gums are pulling away from your teeth—it might appear that your teeth are longer

 Steps for Effective Flossing

The American Dental Association offers these essential steps for effective flossing:

Use approximately 18 inches of dental floss. Wind most of the strand around one of your middle fingers, and then wind the remaining portion around the corresponding finger of your opposite hand. It will take up the used floss as it accumulates debris.

Hold the floss securely between your thumbs and forefingers.

With a gentle back-and-forth rubbing motion, guide the floss between your teeth. Avoid snapping it into the gums, as this can cause discomfort.

When the floss gets to the gum line, shape it into a C against a single tooth. Gently slide the floss into the space between the gum and the tooth.

As the floss reaches the gum line, shape it into a C against one tooth. Gently slide it into the space between the tooth and the gum.

Press the floss against the tooth and gently rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum using up and down motions. Repeat this process for all your teeth, including the back side of your last tooth.

Discard the used floss. Reusing floss isn't as effective as a new strand and can leave bacteria in your mouth. After flossing, you should also be sure to brush your teeth or rinse with water to rid your mouth of any excess debris and plaque.

Let Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge Help Improve Your Dental Health

While flossing is an integral part of your dental hygiene routine, it should also be paired with regular visits to your dentist. At Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge, we can help with all your dental health needs, from routine to cosmetic. Call 770-389-0389 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Going to the dentist is not on most people’s list of fun things to do. But dental care is an important part of your overall health and wellness. Your oral health is a good indicator of your general health, which is why you need to see a dentist on a regular basis.


How often should you go to the dentist? Why is it necessary? Here are the top 3 reasons to see your dentist regularly. 

1. Clean Teeth Are Healthy Teeth. 

The purpose of regular dental cleanings is to remove plaque and calculus (hardened plaque) from the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film made of food residue and bacteria that clings to the teeth. When it is not removed, it can harden and become more difficult to remove. The bacteria in plaque can gradually eat away at your tooth enamel, causing cavities (pits or holes in the teeth). 

Even if you brush and floss your teeth daily, plaque can still build up on the teeth over time. Dentists and dental hygienists use special tools to remove plaque and calculus from the teeth without harming the enamel. 


2. Clean Teeth Promote Healthy Gums. 

Another problem that can result from plaque and calculus build up on the teeth is gum disease. Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gum tissue that is caused by plaque and calculus. It can cause the gums to swell, bleed, and even pull away from the teeth. 

Gum disease that goes untreated can damage the jaw bone over time and cause teeth to become loose and even fall out. It is much easier to treat gum disease in the early stages, which is why regular dental cleanings and oral exams are important. Once gum disease progresses it can be managed but not always cured. 


3. Oral Health Affects Overall Health. 

The most important reason to go to the dentist regularly is that oral health is closely tied to your overall health. Studies have shown a correlation between oral health and other health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and cancer. 

Regular oral examinations include a screening for oral cancer. As with most types of cancer, early detection of oral cancer improves the outcome of treatment. Frequent visits to the dentist improve the chances of early detection. 


How Often Should You Go To The Dentist? 

The recommended schedule for preventive dental visits for the average patient is every 6 months. This allows for twice yearly teeth cleanings to remove built up plaque and oral examinations to look for any potential concerns. This schedule applies to patients of all ages from children to adults. 


The exception to this general rule is for patients with specific dental health concerns. For example, gum disease treatment may require more frequent deep cleaning of the teeth, such as quarterly appointments. If there are restorative procedures needed to repair damage to the teeth, more frequent appointments may be necessary until the health of the teeth is restored. 

At What Age Should Children Have Their First Dental Visit?

Children should see a dentist by their first birthday or within 6 months of the eruption of their first tooth. As soon as teeth are visible above the gums they are susceptible to decay. Gum disease is also possible at a young age. The biggest benefit of early dental care is that the child gets used to the experience of going to the dentist from a young age and is less likely to be anxious or fearful. It also alerts parents to any potential oral health concerns and helps families make dental care a priority. 

Are You Due For a Dental Visit? 

If you or your family members have not seen the dentist in the past 6 months, it's time to make an appointment. Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge is a family dental practice serving patients of all ages. Bring the whole family together for routine dental care so that children can learn from their parents how to care for their teeth and mouth. 

Call 770-389-0389 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

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200 Medical Way Stockbridge, GA 30281